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at the University of Arizona

The University of Arizona Soccer Coaches and Staff are excited to host camps and clinics at Murphey Field at Mulcahy Stadium on the University of Arizona campus in Tucson, Arizona. Improve your skills on and off the field at a Becca Moros Soccer camp!


Event Dates Who Ages Cost Register
ID Camp | March 30th 03/30/2025 Girls 14 - 20 See Prices Register
Youth Camp | July 7th - 10th 07/07/2025 - 07/10/2025 All Genders 5 - 13 See Prices Register
ID Camp | July 12th 07/12/2025 Girls 14 - 20 See Prices Register

Arizona Wildcats scoreboard

The Becca Moros Soccer Camps at the University of Arizona are not an official function of the University of Arizona.
Camps are open to all entrants limited only by number, grade level, and/or gender.

Online registration is safe and secure using Ryzer.